The best thing landlords can do to help tenants.

The best thing landlords can do to help tenants.

Households across the country are seeing their energy costs going up, so it is more important than ever that landlords do their bit to make their tenants lives easier when it comes to managing their energy use and bills, as well as increasing the energy efficiency of...
Making Moving Better in Lincoln.

Making Moving Better in Lincoln.

Thinking of selling in 2022 and want exceptional service and an agent who works for you! Hello from your local property expert, The Good Estate Agent is not your usual estate agent. We do things differently. Our service is personal with your local property expert...
Ready to go in 2022!!

Ready to go in 2022!!

If you have a property to sell or rent in Lincoln and would like a comprehensive valuation report or appraisal with one dedicated point of contact to help guide and generally take your stresses away, then look no further then The Good Estate Lincoln & Positive...